

Page history last edited by Eleni Borompoka 5 years ago


Primo E-books  Databases  Google  Managing references with RefWorks Taught Postgraduates Postgraduate Researchers Ethical Use of Information Further Information 




Find it Fast! Information Skills Workshops 



The Find it Fast! workshops are designed to help undergraduate and taught postgraduate students identify and use the vast range of information resources available at the University of Aberdeen. These workshops cover the search process from beginning to end, demonstrating the importance of good information seeking and information management skills, while focusing on particular resources to help find relevant and appropriate materials. 


As not everyone is able to attend the sessions in person this site contains all the materials related to the workshops, including slides from the presentations, the accompanying worksheets, and other relevant support documents.


The Taught Postgraduates section presents content from the Refresher programme of Library, IT and Student Learning Service (SLS) workshops which run in May and June each year. This programme concentrates on skills, techniques and tips to support the research and writing of dissertations and final projects.


The Postgraduate Researchers tab provides workshop materials to support new PhD students. These workshops run four times across the academic year (November, February, April and June) with materials from the most recently offered workshop available here.


Relevant to all is the section on the Ethical Use of Information containing useful information on how to avoid plagiarism.


The Further Information section contains links and support materials to help you make best use of the many resources available from the Library.


If you require any further guidance please do contact library staff, either in person at one of our libraries, or via email. Contact details for your  subject specialist Information Consultant are also available.




Find it Fast! Workshop 1 - Using Primo for assignment and dissertations  


Our resource discovery tool, Primo is the place to begin any search for library resources.



Find it Fast! Workshop 2 - Using E-books for assignments and dissertations


Learn about the over 500,000 academic level E-books the Library has access to.



Find it Fast! Workshop 3 - Using Databases for assignments and dissertations  


Databases are the gateway to high quality scholarly research you just won't find on Google.



Find it Fast! Workshop 4 - Getting the best out of Google


Google is great but let us show you how to get the best out of it.



Find it Fast! Workshop 5 - Managing References and Creating Bibliographies: RefWorks 


This two-part workshop introduces you to RefWorks, a reference management software package that helps you keep track of the information you find and also helps you reference and present it correctly and accurately. 



Ethical Use of Information


This section of the wiki guides you through important ethical issues concerning the use of information owned and created by others.



Further Information 


This page contains links to further useful information related to the library's services and resources.



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